Grace Mensah came to the capital city, Accra, two years ago to work after dropping out of school. She worked at Kaneshie for a while before migrating to Kokomba (ghetto).
The 18-year-old disclosed that a friend mentioned Kokomba and encouraged Grace to come with her. According to Grace, she loved the experience in the ghetto and decided to stay.
“It is fun here. You can do and go anywhere you want. They play music often, and smoke too, so you will like to join. You will be addicted to the life they live here. I didn’t go back to my job at Kanishie. I abandoned it,” she said on SVTV Africa.
Speaking on the habits she has picked up at Kokomba, Grace Mensah disclosed that she started with hashish and sometimes weed. She acknowledged that smoking has not been beneficial to her she “does it when I feel it.”
Moreover, the young girl stated that she engages in sex work. Grace noted that she scouts for sugar daddies to sleep with.
“I don’t stand by the roadside. They come here, but I go in for the sugar daddies. I look for those who have money. If it goes well, he can give me GHS100.
I don’t like going to Circle because I might meet an acquaintance. I know prostitution is wrong, but I do it because I need to feed, clothe and pay rent,” Grace told DJ Nyaami in an interview on Ghetto Life Story.
She reiterated that she enjoys life in the ghetto and will only quit after a while. Grace mentioned she will quit smoking and prostitution for a better job. However, she would like to enjoy life in Kokomba first.
Kindly watch the full interview below;
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