Since the days of Marcus Garvey to Dr, Kwame Nkrumah the idea of a united Africa has been preached. Like the Akan adage goes, it’s easy to break a single broom out of the many but impossible to break a full broom.
Yet achieving a united Africa has eluded Africa. Mohammed Al Gaddafi tried but couldn’t achieve it. This article looks at ways Africa can start to unite.
Movement of Goods
Firstly, Africa must remove all artificial boundaries by 2026, so that there will free movement of goods and services for development and growth.
Africa should try to have a common passport by 2026 to enable free movement of Africans across the continent.
Africa should have a common currency by 2026 to enable easy transactions across the continent. Always trading in dollars even within our African continent has a long way of depreciating our currencies.
There must be an economic system to promote comparative advantage and growth.(e.g., African countries producing specific good and services at a lower opportunity cost must sell their goods and services to other African countries where there exist production disadvantages).
A system that allows salt producing countries to sell their salts to oil producing Africa country at an affordable price, and oil producing countries selling their oil to salt producing countries at an affordable price.
We must initiate an adaptable education system to facilitate easy and productive learning across the continent. An education system that will focus on talent development and not solely on literacy like we have now.We must have higher education that will development people into employers and not job seekers.
The responsibility lies on we the youth to demand these rudimentary policies because the future of Africa lies ahead of us. To avoid the challenges of today, we must demand for tested and workable solutions.
We can start the African Unity from somewhere.
Content created and supplied by: Currentworldnews (via Opera
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