White is a beautiful and neutral color. This simply means that you can combine it with any other color, whether it’s dull or bright.
Just Follow These Tips To Create A Very Beautiful And Attractive All-white Design
° Create an all-white attire. Instead of combining several colors with your white attire, you can just go monochrome, which means you’ll wear only a white outfit. It’s very simple. For example, you can wear a white shirt with a pair of white jeans.
° You can also combine your white top with a skirt; any skirt design is okay, but just make sure it’s also white. There are several skirt designs, like a flare, short, long, and tight.
° Wear your white shirt dress with a skirt, jacket, trousers, or shorts. There are so many ways to look good with a white shirt; you just have to learn how to add the necessary accessories to them.
° Pair your white shirt with a pair of trousers, leggings, or jeans.
° Layer your white shirt with a blazer or jeans jacket.
Content created and supplied by: Asiamah001 (via Opera
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