Argument is very paramount in every relationship no matter how together you both are. It is a verbal dispute or quarrel between opposing factions. Dating should be fun. If you are dating someone and it is not fun, then you need to check clearly and be sure that the relationship is the right one for you.
Find fun things to do together. If she has games she loves to play, and then learn how to play it. Take time to go out together once in a while and have fun. Here are the five most common things most couple argue about.
To get started, money is the major thing most couple argue over. It is the duty of the man to provide for the house if he shirks his responsibility due to certain reason, it create some kind of tension in the home. Also, sex can be one of the things that makes most couple argue about. This normally happens on what you like, how often you have it and what it means to each of you.
It is very common to have couples argue over house chores. They seems not to have a defined chores in the house. They argue about who does what, how chores are done and when they are done in the house. Couple argue over who goes to pick the kids from school or stay back at home to take care of the kids while the others goes to work. Living in a family characterized with all this chaos can be so heartbreaking as an individual sometimes.
Kids are very important in every relationship. To live in a city where having kids is a blessing to both the husband family and the wife. Whether to have kids and when to have them is also a problem in most relationships. I’ve seen many couples argue over this issue countless times. Don’t let this come on your way if you want to have a happy marriage.
Content by Honey Kay
Content created and supplied by: Honey (via Opera
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