The new patriotic party are in someway setting confusion among themselves especially in the greater Accra region. The Npp youth have begun some projects that according to them is going to benefit the country and this region very well. Claims that the greater Accra youth organizer has been sabotaging their work had been circulating among themselves for sometime now until they were almost dissolved.
According to the city response team CTR, a group of young men who are assigned to the streets and market places to keep people in check, they might end up on the street again because Moses Abor, the regional youth organizer is making allegations that can lead to the collapse of the CTR program.
The young men who identify as members or supporters of the new patriotic party claim they are not happy with what their brother Moses Abor is doing and hence should report himself for answering. They claim he is wanted for questioning and submission of proof concerning claims that they have taken bribes from people to illegally operate.
Content created and supplied by: Richisen (via Opera
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