When the weather is hot, our bodies react by sweating, either through the armpits, from the head, on our chest, face, or in our genitalia. This is because of the high density of our sweat glands in that particular sweaty area of our bodies.
This sweat is higher in some people than in others. They even sweat a few minutes after taking a shower. If you want to keep your vaginal area free from sweat, you can do the following things:
1. Technology has been designed to do so many things to help us live a healthy lifestyle. There’s a particular fabric designed to wick perspiration away from the body.
It’s like a pant used by most female or male athletes. When you put it on, it will keep your private area free of sweat and keep you fresh all day.
2. Don’t wear too many tight-fitting clothes, especially trousers, so that there will be enough room for your vagina to breathe.
If you wear tight jeans, it will increase the temperature of your genitalia and you are likely to sweat. When you wear loose clothes, it also reduces the friction between your skin and your clothes.
3. Select cotton-made pants or boxers over silk or polyester-made ones. This will make the heat around your vagina less intense and the sweat fade away gradually.
4. Change your underwear after sweating, even if it doesn’t appear dirty, because it can cause yeast infections and itchiness. Change your underwear immediately after you get home after a sweaty day.
If you are going to have a long day, you can keep extra underwear or boxershorts in your bag and put them on before leaving your office.
5. Don’t shave off your entire pubic hair because it serves a good purpose. It helps in wicking perspiration away from your skin.
It also helps in catching bacteria before it comes into contact with the skin around your vagina. The friction between your clothes and the skin around your genitalia will also be reduced.
Content created and supplied by: Gifty2562 (via Opera
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