Okoe Boye, former MP for Ledzokuku and current CEO of the National Health Insurance Authority ad Felix Kwakye Ofosu this morning stormed the studios of Metro TV. The 2 were guests on Dr. Randy Abbey’s Good Morning Ghana. It has been a while that Okoe Boye appeared on the show he brought in a gift to appease his fans who watch him.
Apparently, the former MP and former deputy Health Minister sought to promote local entrepreneurs and as such presented a watch from popular Ghanaian Watchmaker Caveman Watches. According to Okoe Boye, he wanted Randy Abbey to give this watch out to the texter who sends in a message that will suit him (Okoe Boye).
However, Randy Okoe resisted this basis and rather called for the gift to be given to Annie Ampofo. Annie is the producer of the Good Morning Ghana show. According to Randy, Annie celebrated her birthday this week and rightly deserved to be given the watch. Okoe Boye wasn’t all that pleased but agreed.
Okoe Boye then boldly told Randy to inform Annie that she should make sure he doesn’t see any other person wearing the watch otherwise he will not take it easy on her. This got the panelists laughing as they read meaning into what Okoe Boye was saying. Though the message from Okoe Boye was subtle he indeed meant a lot with that.
For some weeks now there have been unconfirmed reports that Annie Ampofo has been going out with NDC’s Sammy Gyamfi. Those these are mere allegations, many have chosen to call them a perfect match. These rumors started when Metro TV posted a photo of Sammy and Annie some weeks ago triggering a number of comments. In short Okoe Boye was saying that he doesn’t want to later see Sammy wearing the watch.
Felix Kwakye Ofosu didn’t take the comments lightly and told Okoe Boye to mind his own business as to who finally gets to wear the watch.
Use the link below to watch. Kindly start from 30:50
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