A young lady probably between the ages of 20 and 30 years old has been recording and camera taking an injection and many social media users can not keep mute over it. This lady was seen lying on a hospital bed getting ready to take an injection from a male doctor. The lady seems to be shy that a strange man is going to inject her backside but she was also afraid.
As a result of this, any moment the doctor attempts to inject this lady’s backside, she will start screaming and shaking her body making it difficult for the doctor to do his job. This lady’s friends who were recording her on camera were overheard in the video laughing uncontrollably. Some of them were also telling her that she should stop wasting the doctor’s and take the injections.
The lady calmed down a little and the doctor pulled her trousers down and injected her. Even with this, the lady was still screaming as the doctor was putting the hypodermic needle into her body. Some social media users after coming across this video said that the lady is not the only person afraid of injections. They are also afraid of injections. They prefer taking in a thousand pills to injections.
You can also watch the video through the link below:
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