Popular broadcast journalist Kwesi Parker Wilson, a host of Oyerepa TV’s morning show has commented that he isn’t mocking Vice President Dr. Bawumia but it is the time he should show Ghanaians his expertise in the economy to restore the depreciating cedis.
In a post shared by Nana Jantuah of Nhyira FM, Kwesi Parker-Wilson wrote;
“This is not to mock the Vice President Dr. Bawumia but we are in a very critical situation that we need solutions. This is the time his expertise on the economy is required most to “restore the value of the depreciating cedi”, rings a bell?”
Kwesi Parker argued that, in 2014, the Vice President held a lecture (“restoring the value of the cedi”)to diagnosis the fall of the cedi (cedi at the time was 3.20). The lecture was epic, he inspired hope and made us believe he had the magic wand to address our economic challenges.
“We believed Dr. Bawumia was in politics not to lie to us but give us a reason to trust politicians. He was the darling boy (can’t say of today). During the lecture he made some terrific revelations on why the cedi is falling and equally outlined series of solutions to address the challenge.” He remarked.
Mr. Vice President, our elders say “a doctor must heal himself with his own solutions” What happened to that solution you talked about in 2014? Are they not workable under your government? Or they were just words to hoodwink the ordinary Ghanaian? He quizzed.
The host of Oyerepa TV’s morning show said that the falling cedi is killing businesses and we are feeling the heat.
“Mr. Vice President your deafening silence on the eroding cedi is worrying. Perhaps another lecture will work the magic.” He concluded.
His write up comes as a background to the depreciating cedi. $1 is now equivalent to GHC10. Following that many people have added their voice for something to be done about the cedis.
Content created and supplied by: Currentworldnews (via Opera
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