Lecturers and students of the University of Ghana, Legon jubilated massively after winning $165 million court case in far away United States of America. According reports, the University was dragged before the USA District Court presided by Her Ladyship Naomi Peice Bouchwald.
The case involved a judgment debt case brought against the University of Ghana by ACE American Insurance Company. According to the explanation given, there was an agreement between authorities of the University and the American firm to develop a parcel of land to erect some infrastructures.
Few years after the agreement, the University of Ghana refused to lay procurement or start proceedings towards the project. In a nutshell, it appeared that they lost interest in the project.
The American firm then dragged the University before American Court for judgment debt amounting to one hundred and sixty five million dollars.
After making appearance, the Legon Lawyers disputed that, the two parties had agreed to solve any legal proceedings in United Kingdom and not America.
Based on that, case was dismissed in favour of the respondents. Who knows if the American firm will file an appeal or fresh case in London as agreed.
For now, they won the first case.
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