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Wednesday, March 5, 2025
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Vic Mensah gets Ghana Flag on his collection of Tattoos

Visitors coming into the country always leave positive feedback from their experiences. Right from the Elmina Castle where the Trans-Atlantic slave trade occured to the beautiful sceneries the country provides, much importantly the nature of the people and their culture. These tourist experience has equally generated lots of revenue to the country especially during the period of the government of Ghana flagship program organized

While recording with Popular Ghanaian musician King Promise abroad, Vic Mensah unveiled on his right arm a beautiful Ghana Flag Tattoo colourful displayed. Vic Mensah together with American Rapper “Chance the Rapper” have been preparing for their collaborations with King Promise who in current times released his 5 STAR album in the country with loads of dignitries floading in.

Fans have expressed their outmost surprise to the Drawings as these could lift the name of the country across the world during their tours. Some commentors have praised the government for taking such bold steps .

Content created and supplied by: Yawblackson (via Opera
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King Promise
Vic Mensah

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