Obviously, nobody is perfect. But still, a great friend has certain qualities without which she would not be considered a great friend. A real friend. Below are seven qualities of a perfect friend.
Loyal. Rain, shine or snow in your life as well as in hers, a true friend must remain faithful to you. It’s even surely by her capacity for (friendly) loyalty that we recognize a real good friend. She will never let you down!
Caring. The perfect friend, she thinks about you, worries about you, and tries to please you. A bit like what we look for in our lover (but not really!), we expect a good friend to pay a minimum of attention to us and to listen to us.
Generous. Yes, it’s hard to imagine the perfect friend who is a total cheapskate, who leaves you with a forgotten wallet every time you have to pay the bill! No, the ideal friend, on the contrary, likes to buy you a drink from time to time, and she always gives you a nice little present for your birthday. People who spend their lives complaining, seeing the glass as half empty and lamenting their own fate, are not for you. You like a positive attitude! And that’s the attitude of the perfect friend! Even if she doesn’t always have it easy, she takes life in her stride, and that makes everyone feel better.
Available. The perfect friend, she’s always there for you. You know you can reach her at any time and that if you have a problem, she’ll be there. And even if it’s for a movie or a restaurant, she’s always willing to spend time with you!
Humble. Another very important quality in a friend: humility. Because a friend who shows off, puts herself forward all the time and takes great pleasure in putting you down, help! No, the ideal friend doesn’t seek the spotlight and even likes to show off others, yourself. Modest and too cool!
Open. She doesn’t know narrow-mindedness or prejudices. The perfect friend, she is open to others, to those who are different from her. With you, she always tries to understand your point of view before judging you and respects your choices or opinions, even when they don’t match her. Classy!
Content created and supplied by: Sharonnewsgh (via Opera
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