Sports is a cash cow for many countries. It will give you the necessary returns if the proper investments are made. Let’s take Brazil and Jamaica for example. These two countries are not known for any natural resources or minerals. They don’t have what some other countries have but they have been able to harness what they have and made the most out of it. Brazil has become famous for producing world-class football talents. These players are found all over the world. Their export to other countries has earned the country huge amounts. Likewise, Jamaica has made a name for itself in the world of athletics.
Sadly for Ghana, our case is different. What we are known for is football. Even with that, we haven’t made any significant strides in terms of trophies. We have been concentrating on football for so long and have been making huge investments there without anything much to show for it. There are other sporting disciplines we can develop that can earn us laurels and world recognition but we seem not to pay any attention to them. No wonder we always perform abysmally at international competitions.
Ghana participated in the world athletics championships in the US some few weeks ago but didn’t win any medal. Almost all our athletes that competed were residing abroad. They are being sponsored by some of the educational institutions in those countries. Why can’t we divert attention to athletics and other disciplines? The commonwealth games are currently ongoing in Birmingham. Ghana as usual has sent a contingent. It is boxing that has earned us 3 medals so far. But the question I am asking is that what kind of investments have we made in boxing?
If we want to make a mark at some of these international competitions, we should be ready to make the kind of investments that will bring us the needed results. Even with the football that we have concentrated on, we are not making the right investments in it. Let’s shift focus a bit to other sporting categories and invest in them. They might give us what football is not able to give.
Content created and supplied by: Courageous92 (via Opera
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