A married man who has stalled in the same position at work for failing to give in to her supervisor’s sexual advances. His supervisor has just told him to accept advances if he wants to get a promotion.
Jack, a married man with 3 children has cried out for help and advise. Jack who’s happily married for the past 1 years is in serious dilemma as his female boss has refused to give him promotion in his working. Jack who has worked under his boss for the past 8 years said his boss has been harassing him sexually insisting he sleeps with her if he really want promotion.
 Jack is very frustrated as the only way to get promotion is to sleep with her married boss while his colleagues had gotten at least 4 times promotions remaining only him. After several attempts to get promotion no avail. He approached his boss who told him she purposed rejected all his promotion proposals and if he wants promotion he should sleep with her.
Jack is happily marry doesn’t want to cheat on his wife and doesn’t know what to do since he wants promotion and his salary increase. His boss has told him if he really want promotion he should satisfy her body needs. Please advise jack on best path to take.
Content created and supplied by: Mainooco (via Opera
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