The founder of the Danquah Institute, Solicitor and Barista, Mr Gabby Otchere, has made a shocking revelation about the highest seat of the land, the seat of Presidency.
According to Mr Gabby Otchere Darko, the occupants of the seat of Presidency hardly know what is called peace. Though many reactions as usual after his tweet have been trying to make fun of his cousin, for once, some also believe that Mr Gabby Otchere Darko has been honest.
The reason is that, his closeness with his cousin the President might actually revealed the truth of what they are going through. Some have made fun of it, that after bathing in the air, you come back to tell Ghanaians that you don’t have peace.
Mr Gabby Otchere Darko said “He said “10yrs ago, Ghana for the 1st time lost its sitting president, John Evans Atta-Mills. May he continue to rest in asomdwe (peace). The presidency is a seat whose occupants know no peace. Asomdwehene was Mills’ nickname. Very proper to have a presidential cemetary named Asomdwe Park.”
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