Experts in economics in recent times have analyzed Ghana’s financial crisis which has caused hardships and compelled the country to seek help from international monetary funds, attributed it to mismanagement and unnecessary expenditures. They have also indicated that corruption and duplication of various ministerial portfolios put pressure on the country’s limited resources hence the need to borrow more often.
Afia Pokua aka Vim Lady has lambasted the whole government machinery and has used some strong words on those at the helm of Affairs. She, however, attempted to exonerate Alan from the current economic brouhaha citing that he is innocent.
The top journalist was of the view that inflation is now double digits and they campaigned against Mark Assibey Yeboah and sacked him from Parliament. Kweku Kwarteng, the remaining economic expert who should have been given the position of finance minister has also been sidelined because he is from Obuasi and not Akyem.
 “You see what has happened and with IMF there shall be more disgrace. I feel sorry Alan Kyeremanteng but you are not part of the problem and why the country is sinking. I will advise don’t discuss economic issues again because Akyems have sidelined you. Let those who send us to IMF defend it,” she concluded.
You can watch the full video here.
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