Afia Schwarzenegger was asked if she supports the decision my the Nana Addo led government to go to the IMF. She answered the question with another question. She asked the money the President said we were sitting on but we are hungry, is the money finished?
The popular statement made the president prior to his election as President said we were sitting on money but we are hungry. She said politicians need to give them celebrities who campaigned for them embarrassment allowance.
She also stated that she doesn’t know what the country is doing on IMF because to the best of her knowledge, we are sitting on money. She stressed the need for Ghanaians accountable for their words.
She also stated that they celebs who campaigned for the NPP are now looking like liars and has embarrassed them for campaigning for them.
Do you the NPP has failed in its promises?
Content created and supplied by: Ibrahim2000 (via Opera
News )