Examination malpractice are the things pupils do contrary to the rules and regulations in an exam. Such examination malpractices include, bringing foreign materials into the center, pleading to the invigilator for help, swapping sheets, tearing of the question paper or answer booklet and many other more. These are some things pupils do that when their caught, have to face dire consequences.
Students caught cheating in an exam may be faced with the following penalties.
Cancelation of paper. When a student is apprehended copying or helping a fellow friend in an exam, the student is likely to have their papers terminated. And possibly that of the accomplice will also be cancelled.
May be prevented from taking part in writing the other papers. Already, one is suffering from answering the questions of that being solved. Hoping that he’ll learn hard to pass the rest of the other papers, and he’s penalized not to take part in those ones because of cheating. How devastating that will be.
These are the basic two penalties students are likely to face if apprehended cheating in an exam.
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