A young lady probably between the ages of 20 and 30 years has been recorded on camera having a serious confrontation with a guy she slept with. One cannot tell whether she knows this guy very well or not but she seems to be sure of what she is saying. Watching the video carefully, you can see that the lady went into the bathroom to take a shower but after returning, her underwear was nowhere to be found.
The lady searched the entire room but couldn’t find her pants. She asked the guy severally but the guy said he hadn’t seen any pants. The lady started panicking and suspected that the guy has them to be used for money rituals. This is what she said in the video, “If you think I will leave my pants here for you to use them for money rituals then forget it. Give my pants to me before I start making noise”.
The guy angrily told her to leave the room because he has paid her as they agreed and he hasn’t seen her underwear. Some social media users after coming across this video said that the guy is a ‘Yahoo Boy’ and he has hidden the lady’s pants. How can the pants go missing in this small room?
You can also watch the video through the link below:
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