Our names make up a major part of our identity; it is the first thing that a person relates to us. So, if your name is either difficult to pronounce or spell, it could get a little inconvenient for you to get through life.Â
However, some parents choose to give unconventional names to their children and with the help of social media, we can all know about it to get inspired. Or not.
A young girl who was born on 12 September 1984 broke a Guinness World Record, having the longest name. Her parents first named her Rhoshandiatellyneshiaunneveshenk Koyaanisquatsiuth Williams.Â
But. just within three weeks, they changed her name to 1,019 letters and received a birth certificate of two-foot-long. At the time, she made news for having a unique name. Jameshauwnnel can’t write or even say most of her given name, but she says she likes it.
Jamie’s mum Sandra wanted to give her daughter a unique name and to get in the Guinness World Records. The name has broken a Guinness World Record and her birth certificate is 2ft long. Jamie literally had to struggle to memorize her birth name. She had to record her name on tape and play it repeatedly to memorize it.
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