Many young women worry about losing their youthful appearance, but you can prevent aging from happening early by taking care of your body. When it comes to sagging breasts, you can easily avoid many issues by protecting your skin, exercising, and eating well. Below are expert tips on how to avoid sagging breasts as a young woman.
Strengthen the muscles in your chest with weight lifting. While your breasts themselves do not have muscles in them, toning the underlying muscles might still help them resist the pull of gravity. Try to do weight training at least twice a week. Strengthen your pectoral, shoulder, and triceps muscles with chest presses. Lie on your back on the floor with a weight in each hand. Your elbows should be touching the floor with your forearms straight up in the air. Push the weights straight up until your arms are extended. Lower back to the starting position. Repeat. Build your biceps with biceps curls. Stand straight and hold a weight in your hand with your palm facing up. Bend your elbow and bring the weight towards your shoulder. Bring it down and repeat.
Do push-ups to strengthen the muscles in your arms, chest and back. Lie on your stomach on the floor with your palms on the floor next to your shoulders. Prop yourself up on your toes. Extend your arms and lift your body off the floor, keeping your back straight and your abs pulled in to protect your spine. Your arms should be fully extended. Gently let yourself down and repeat. If you cannot do a pushup from your toes, start by bending your knees when you go up, rather than keeping your legs straight.
Preserve the youth and elasticity of your skin by not smoking. Nicotine constricts the blood vessels in your skin causing it to get less oxygen and nutrients. Other chemicals in cigarettes harm the collagen and elastin in your skin making it weaker and less stretchy. This causes wrinkling and sagging. As the skin of your breasts loses elasticity, your breasts will sag even if you are still young. If you already smoke, quitting will still help. Many resources are available to help you quit, support groups, hotlines, and nicotine replacement therapies.
Protect your breasts from skin damage. Low V-neck shirts are cool and sexy during the hot summer months, but they also expose the skin above your breasts to harmful ultraviolet radiation. UV rays damage the collagen and elastin which are vital to the skin’s connective tissues. This makes the skin less supple and prone to sagging. Avoid dark tans. While tanning might help protect you against sunburns, your skin is still absorbing UV rays and sustaining damage.
Keep the skin on your breasts smooth, supple, and young looking with simple care techniques. Sweat and dirt may collect on an around your breasts. You can care for your skin by: Removing dirt and sweat either by showering or washing quickly with a warm wash cloth. Not only will this feel good, but it will remove oil, dead skin cells, and debris and prevent you from getting pimples on your breasts. Use a mild cleanser or plain water that won’t strip the natural oils from your skin.
Keep your skin resilient by eating enough protein. Your body uses protein to heal, and this includes damage to the skin, connective tissues, and muscles which help your breasts resist gravity. The average adult should eat two to three portions of a protein-rich food per day. This can be meat, milk, fish, eggs, soy, beans, legumes, or nuts. Lean meats and low fat dairy products are good because they won’t simultaneously increase your fat intake.
Keep your youth by eating lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. This will provide your body with the vitamins and minerals it needs to keep your breast tissues young and healthy looking. Adults should consume four servings of fruit and five servings of vegetables each day. Tasty options for getting your servings of fruits include berries, cucumber, apples, grapes, cherries, papaya, bananas, and more. Vegetables include broccoli, beets, carrots, celery, lettuce, spinach, cauliflower and potatoes. If you think you are not getting what you need, vitamin and mineral supplements are widely available over-the-counter at drug and grocery stores. If you believe you have deficiencies, first talk to your doctor, and then if they recommend it, try adding particular supplements or multivitamins which contain lots of different vitamins and minerals.
Avoid putting on and losing weight too quickly. Most women will gain and lose weight from their breasts as well as other body areas. Such rapid changes can cause your skin to stretch as you gain weight faster than your body can handle. Similarly, when you lose weight too quickly, you can wind up with excess saggy skin. If you plan to gain or lose weight, see a nutritionist so you can plan to do it slowly and steadily to prevent your skin from stretching. Avoid becoming overweight. As you do, your breasts will become larger increasing their weight and making them more likely to sag over time.
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