The Inspector-General of Police, Dr George Akuffo Dampare, has ordered the interdiction of four more police officers over the disturbances recorded at the Kumasi Islamic Senior High School last week. The clash happened between the students of Islamic Senior High School and Ghana police after the students blocked a road in front of their gate to protest against the constant hit of people.
Inspector General Of Police, Akufo Dampare has ordered for interdiction of four more police as a video of them running an islamophobic comments at the scene. The four were heard on a recording captured on CCTV, denigrating the attitude of the Islamic students and insinuated a Christian school would have done so.
In the video one can hear the police officers saying, “have you seen their attitude [referring to students of the Islamic SHS]? Do you think if it was an Akan school, they would behave that way?” Another said: “They are dirty. They are dirty! Wherever these Muslims are, there is problem….” This drawn attention on the internet which has led to their interdiction.
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