It has been said here several times that men’s desire to please women at all cost has pushed them to do things that will later have adverse effects on their lives. Today, men do not care what they put into their bodies as long as it can help boost their stamina.
At first, it was herbs, ginseng, and brukina drink. These are not always effective, especially when they have been used several times. When men were in dire need of a solution, the Chinese designed the enhancement spray.These sprays are effective and easy to use. Unlike the traditional methods where you must drink bitter decoctions every day, these sprays are for external use. Also, the spray is faster and should start performing its function just five minutes after being used.
Furthermore, the spray lasts longer and it could even take the man for the whole of the night. Due to its fastest approach to enhancing one’s bedroom activities, men jumped on these Chinese sprays and started patronizing them at a high rate.
These have caused major abuse of the spray with their side effects ignored. Below are three side effects of using dragon sprays.
First, the spray could cause serious insensitivity in the near future. The sprays cause the manhood to become completely or partially insensitive to the woman’s birth canal touch. So, no matter how hard a man pushes, pleasure will not grow in his manhood.
Unfortunately, when used for a very long time, the spray can cause the manhood to become completely insensitive. In this case, the man will not enjoy bedroom experiences. It will cause a prolonged climax.
Also, the spray may cause a man to work beyond his strength, leading to either cardiac arrest or heart attack. When you use the drug, you will exceed your body’s natural limits. This is dangerous and must be considered.
Last, most people who use this drug must depend on it for life. When you become used to the drug, you cannot meet a woman without it. The effect is that you will be exposed to the side effects listed above.
Instead of dragon spray, eat and sleep well. Do not please yourself (self-stroking) and exercise a lot.
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