The Ghana Meteorological Agency has provided a general overview of the weather the weather forecast for today 17th June, 2022 for the country.
According to the forecast, more rains and occasional thunderstorms are expected to continue in some parts of the country with the cloudy nature.
The start of the day will be bright over most parts of the country. Parts of the northern and middle sectors are expected to experience thunderstorms or rains later in the day.
There is a lower probability of rain in the evening over few areas along the coast.
Average Temperature are generally going to be around 23 degrees for the morning and around 27 degrees later in the day
The Ashanti Region will experience early morning temperatures of around 22 degrees Celsius. More rains are expected in the night in some parts of the region.
The Northern parts of the country is expected to have temperatures around 24 degrees Celsius
Generally, the rain showers are expected intermittently in most part of the country and some parts going to be 100% cloudy.
Your school children may need some coats
Content created and supplied by: Dolaw (via Opera
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