Lubrication, especially genital lubrication is an important part of lovemaking. It readies the female organ for penetration and reduces any accompanying friction or irritation. In this regard, a medical expert has warned against the practice of using saliva as a lubricant during intimacy. More people than you might think use saliva as a homemade lube. Some people might think that spit can enhance sex, but the truth is that saliva actually provides very little lubrication.
According to doctors and other medical experts from Healthline, saliva should not be used as a lube during lovemaking because, any contagious infection in the throat or mouth can be passed to the genitals through saliva. For example, if your partner has active herpes lesions, if he uses his saliva to be more slippery when penetrating, it can actually make you get genital herpes. Although the mouth does not look injured, the virus can still be transmitted. Because herpes is not only with blisters or sores but can also appear without symptoms. Other STIs like Gonorrhea, chlamydia, HPV, syphilis, and trichomoniasis can also all be transmitted to the genitals through saliva. And like herpes, these infections may not have any symptoms.
In addition, the bacteria in your saliva is very different from the bacteria in the genital. So, when the saliva enters vaginal area, it disturbs the vaginal microbiome and make you highly prone to infections like bacterial vaginosis. So, although many people might believe that using saliva as a lube is a good idea, it really isn’t.
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