UTV Ghana drops videos of Military officers as they were deployed in their numbers to see to it that, Installation of pre – paid meters in the Eastern Region of Ghana was carried out peacefully. According to the report we have gathered from UTV, this particular incidence occured precisely at Krobo in the Eastern Region of Ghana.
Mr Ebenezer Ayeh who happens to be UTV reporter in Eastern Region made it clear that, the military officers visited Krobo in their numbers with weapons ( Guns) to assist the electricians to carry out their installation of pre – paid meters in peace without violence from the members of the community.
Mr Ebenezer Ayeh added that, the military officers who came to Krobo were 50 in number. The military officers who were deployed to the Eastern Region have ideas about electricity.
” Let me make this statement clear; the military officers did not come to the Eastern Region as a result of violence. But their mission is on a peaceful note. They were deployed to assist the electricians to do their work in peace”. – Ebenezer Ayeh Stated
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