Parents must be circumspect about what contents their kids consume during their formative years. Charity they say begins at home. Hence, leaving the nurturing of your children to someone else might bring great repercussions.
School is one of the agents of socialization with a duty to educate and mold its students to become valuable members of our society. Hence, if the school sways from such responsibilities other agents of socialization are likely to hold them accountable.
Parents of a school called Central Kitsap School District weren’t very pleased with the school for allowing their children to consume adult materials containing wild homosexual images. The parents were very concerned as to why the school didn’t seek Parent approval before putting such books in the school’s library making it easily accessible to their wards.
Social media users who saw the images in the book validated the concerns of the parents and supported their quest to hold the school accountable.
Content created and supplied by: Rahman3009 (via Opera
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