A young man probably between the ages of 18 and 25 years old has been recorded on camera eating fufu and palm nut soup in the middle of a busy road. Watching the video carefully, you can see this young man holding his food in a polythene bag.
He was seen walking among Ghanaians who are crossing a road. The traffic light has shown red so all the cars have stopped and the pedestrians are crossing the road where the zebra cross is. However, when this young man got into the middle of the road, he stopped there.
He removed the food from the polythene bag and started eating it in the middle of the road. He was eating in haste because he was afraid the green traffic light will soon be on and the drivers will not have time to wait for him to finish eating.
Some Ghanaians after coming across this video said that this is where the comedians in this country are taking their job to. It is too risky to do this because of a video skit for Tiktok, Youtube, Instagram, or any other social media channels.
You can also watch the video through the link below:
Content created and supplied by: AmuasiNews89 (via Opera
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