I was browsing my Facebook when I received a message from one person. I answered and it all started from there. We started talking. We talked about ourselves, our common interests and what was going on in our lives. We spend time talking to each other regularly. I like him and love talking to him. So when he shows interest in me, it’s like adding fuel to a fire. I finally feel like the stars are lining up to make everything perfect.
Two weeks after expressing our feelings for each other, we decided to meet in person. We made an appointment and met. No complaints or anything that made me uncomfortable. The conversation was smooth. The atmosphere was just right, it was as if we had known each other for a very long time.
We both live in Accra, but the distance between us is great. When it comes to love and matters of the heart, nowhere is so far away. The distance seemed far, but I visited so often that the long journey lost its meaning. I often go to him when I am not working and sometimes when I am not working. I work mostly on weekends so I didn’t have time to visit him on weekends until one day I found time to visit him on weekends but he said no. I asked why he replied: “My weekends are always packed with events. I have to attend funerals, weddings and parties. I’m not home most of the time. I’m usually home on weekdays, so you can come any time. no need to call before you come.”
He made me say “You don’t even have to call…” If I can visit someone without calling to tell them beforehand, it means that such a person has nothing to hide. It’s like he’s giving you unlimited access to your life because you’re the only one. I trusted him completely because of that one move.
Then the signs around the bend appeared. Whenever I visited his house, I would see the stews and soups in his fridge. I knew he couldn’t cook the dish I found in his fridge, so I gave it a try. I asked him, “There is always food in your fridge. Who cooked for you?” He replied, “My cousin made it. He comes to cook every weekend. He cooked enough for a week so he didn’t have to come every day. Not only that. He bathes me on weekends too.” “As I knew before, I trusted him completely, so I didn’t question the story. I didn’t even ask about his cousin. I just believe what he said. say as if it were the Bible.”
On one of my visits, I found women’s slippers in her room. It should have been a sign that something was wrong somewhere, but I said to myself, ‘That could be her cousin’s sandal. Why else would he leave her outside to meet him? They say love is blind, but I don’t expect love to blind me. I averted my eyes so as not to see too much. The marks were there, looking me straight in the eye, but I refused to look at them.
Three months after we started meeting, I realized that I was pregnant. I was two months pregnant without knowing it. When I found out, I immediately called him to let him know. She said, “No, you can’t keep this baby. The timing isn’t right. I’m not ready yet.” He made it sound so easy, like he thought about it long before I told him. I told him, “No, I won’t. I will have a baby and you will be a father. He kept repeating his answer as if by repeating myself I changed my mind. I do not. He locked his brother inside. His brother called out to me, “You two met about three months ago. Isn’t that right?” too early to have a baby together? Think and realize the importance of what I tell you. How well do you know each other to have a baby together? I didn’t know her enough so I said to myself, “The child is mine and I will do my best to be the mother he needs.”
A few days later I contacted his older brother and sister and found out about our relationship with them. They sympathized with me and then supported me throughout my pregnancy until my birth.
A week after I was born he came with his family to baptize the child. He behaved like a happy father. I think all is forgiven and he is ready to come together and raise the child. At the naming ceremony, he made a promise to my family; “I will come back and make things right. I will come back when everything is fine so I can marry your daughter.
I trust him. His actions and behavior showed that he was a changed man, so I allowed myself to hope for better days with him. I still love him. He is the father of my child, so I want to marry him so that we can raise the child well together. I have hope in my heart, but I don’t know what is to come.
Two weeks after naming our son, I saw his wedding invitation as a friend. Like I said, I didn’t see it coming. The man who came to make an appointment with my family married another woman a week later. How I feel can’t be written on paper. Eventually, I said to myself, “It’s okay,” even though everything was going well for me. There was a fire in the mountains, but I had to sit under it and pretend everything was fine.
My daughter is almost a year old but her father only saw her once. He didn’t care about her and she didn’t care if he lived or died. When he called and asked for money for the child, he said to me, “I am not well. My finances are not good. Be patient. “By God’s grace, I have earned enough money to take care of my little daughter. God is good to us and I am grateful for that.
I hope to meet better people now when I am ready to love again. Someone who will accept me as I am and not turn my back on me because I have children. I knew that day would come, so I patiently waited here.
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