Introvert Guys or shy guys possess the following weaknesses which do not enable them attract women easily.
# Introvert guys or hy men lack social interaction. Come with anxiety issues, problems dealing with social situations, etc. More concerned about the outcome in social settings than who than going for it.
# They don’t have much experience in women. You know shy. Doubt they’d make the first move but over thinking far too much.
# Can easily get attached and look for relationship too soon.
# They can be slow when it comes to dating, fearful to have opinion, easy to please.
# They have less options as they don’t approach women easily
# They get infatuated easily and have this halo effect lasting for a long time. Probably also needy and desperate. Get attached to superficial and cannot see red flags
On the the other hand, extrovert guys are mostly loved or attracted by many ladies because of the following:
# Most extrovert guys are confident in nature.
# They approach lots of women. They have lots of options. They have choices. So even if one thing they don’t like or more, they move on. They are unwilling to compromise like they probably used to in past.
# Most extrovert men like to move fast, flirt, like a woman to be engaged, show interest and isn’t slow on the taking. If she doesn’t show interest soon enough, if she doesn’t interact, if she plays hard to get. They move on fast. When you got options there’s not use making things hard for oneself. Might as well make life easier.
# They desire a healthy conversation so any talk about negativity, past ex relationships or they find something in which one is carrying some baggage, they rather move on to someone who has experience and got their life together.
# Most stay well away from any woman who tests relationships and plays games. They have the experience to know when someone is doing that and the lack of maturity and insecurity turns them off.
# They have an opinion and will voice it. So if they don’t like something, they’ll says so politely. They are not going to behave like doormat because a woman is attractive.
# Extrovert guys have standards such as values, boundaries and if a woman knows these boundaries, oversteps them, doesn’t apologize sincerely, saying how she is sorry for trying to hurt the person, mentions what she did, why she did it and how she will fix it to not happen again.he sees she has no empathy, maturity, and gets turned off. This can happen in initial steps of dating or communication which will push most confident men away.
# They detached from the outcome and more focused on what the woman has to offer than trying to impress her. They don’t get attached so easily and probably dating other women, and they will say so too without fear of loss.
# They probably look for more wit, woman with humour, woman who is self aware, mature, has passion, can converse well, isn’t hung up with social norms and isn’t fearful of her sexuality.Â
Content created and supplied by: Undergroundnewsgh (via Opera
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