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In the Egyptian kingdom, it is very confusing to distinguish monsters and mythical creatures from the gods themselves as there these figures sometimes have characteristics in common but there some
figures that don’t rise to the level of actual gods but rather symbols of power, ruthlessness, or are invoked to serve as warnings to children of mischief.
Below are some of ancient Egypt’s most important monsters and mythical creatures, from the crocodile-headed chimera Ammint to the rearing cobra, Uraeus.
i. Ammit – The Devourer Of The Dead
The ammit is a mythological chimera composing of the head of a crocodile, the forelimbs of a lion, and the hind limbs of a hippopotamus. Ammit was a personification of the man-eating predators the ancient Egyptian’s feared.
According to legend, after a person died and was weighed by the god Anubis and was found wanting, Ammit devoured the person and the soul of the person would be cast into a fiery limbo forever.
The Ammit was usually linked with other deities like Tarawet, the goddess of conception and childbirth and Bes, the protector of the earth.
ii. El Naddaha – The Siren Of The Nile
The El Naddaha’s origin is spanned over five thousand years of Egyptian mythology. There were rumours that a voice that calls by name, to men walking the banks of the Nile and men desperate to
get a look at this magnificent creature, the bewitched victim draws nearer and nearer to the water, until he falls or is dragged in and drowns. She is sometimes also depicted as being a genie.
iii. The Sphinx – The Teller Of Tales
The Sphinx of ancient Egypt served as guards of treasures or repositories of wisdom and would never allow a traveller to pass unless they could solve a clever riddle. The were portrayed as human-headed, and lion-bodied beasts.
iv. Uraeus – The Cobra Of The Gods
The Uraeus is a rearing cobra which symbolises the majesty of the Egyptian pharaoh’s and their origins dated back to pre-historical times. When the upper and lower Egypt were unified around 3000 BC,the
Uraeus and Nekhbet (a white vulture) were incorporated into the royal headdress and were known informally in the Pharaohic court as “the ladies.”
Content created and supplied by: kuulpup_thepromoter (via Opera
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