One suspected armed robber has been killed on the Damongo – Fufulso road after an attempt to attack road users on the evening of Saturday, 22nd April 2022.
The suspected armed robber was killed after a gun battle ensued between the armed robbers and Community members and the police.
This was after the armed robbers accosted some road users on the Damongo – Fufulso road, but unfortunately for the robbers, a team of Police personnel stationed at Jankura and some Community members confronted them.
In the process, one of the robbers was killed whiles his colleagues absconded in to the bush.
A pump action gun was retrieved from the suspected armed robber killed after his accomplices run away.
For some time now, there has been a number of robbery cases on the Damongo road, with traders been the main target.
The body of the deceased is expected to be sent to the morgue for preservation and further investigation.
Content created and supplied by: Tawheednews (via Opera
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