Making people respect you is one best feeling you can ever have in your life. Respect is normally gained as a result of how you compose yourself. You can lose or earn respect depending on how you carry yourself in your neighborhood or workplace. To earn respect, you need to prove that you are worth it. Respect is given and received by all means. Below are 5 ways you can make people respect you instantly.
Say what you mean
To earn respect from people immediately, mean what you say and say what you mean. Let your speech be honest and not deceitful. Your speech can go a long way to command respect without even realizing it. Just use the right choice of word.
Let your actions speak louder than your words
Your actions is very paramount when you want to earn respect from people. Your actions in terms of how you carry yourself and what you aim at doing should be very visible to the eye.
Treat others well
I applied this technique when I first join a club and it really helped me a great deal. That automatically helped me to become a leader of the club without stress. This strategy can also work for you. Treat others how you want to be treated.
See the good in everything or everyone
Don’t be that guy who ruin the dreams of another. Prove yourself to be worth. See the good in everything people do. Try to let people see the light in things and not the darkness.
1. Be the last to speak
This trick is also very delicate when trying to make people respect you. Be the last to speak and let you speech be with wisdom and a sense of maturity. Don’t be driven by your emotions to say things that is not meaningful.Â
Content created and supplied by: HoneyLoveBird (via Opera
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