Regular physical activity can assist strengthen the muscles and increase stamina. Exercise helps the cardiovascular system perform more efficiently by delivering oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. Regular exercise also gives us more energy to tackle daily duties as our heart and lung health improves.
There are various types of exercise and each comes with its benefit. However, what this lady was doing in this video was quite strange to people who came across this. Watching the video carefully, you can see that this lady put her head on the floor and raised her legs in the sky.
She did well by maintaining her balance so that she didn’t fall. Some social media users after coming across this lady’s video asked: What is the purpose of this type of exercise? Which part of the body will this exercise strengthen?
Some netizens said that this type of exercise is dangerous for ladies who are heavy to practice. One can easily break the neck with this type of exercise?
Check out some of the reactions from some Ghanaians who came across this video:

You can also watch the video through the link below:
Content created and supplied by: AmuasiNews89 (via Opera
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