Bell peppers are rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin A, magnesium, calcium and antioxidants that aid in weight loss, lowering cholesterol levels and also promoting better digestion. Bell peppers are also amazing for your skin and hair. Bell peppers may be eaten on their own or cooked in a variety of healthy recipes. Add them to salads, omelets, pastas, curries, stews and roasts.
Bell Peppers and Iron
Bell Peppers are not only a good source of iron but are also rich in vitamin C that helps with iron absorption preventing iron deficiency and anemia which makes you feel tired, weak, and short of breath. So we want to eat bell with iron – rich foods like meat and spinach to prevent iron deficiency anemia.
Bell Peppers Help with Eye Problems
Bell peppers have lutein and zeaxanthin plus vitamin A and carotenoids equal to carrots that when added to your diet helps lower your risk of visual impairments and keep your eyes healthy. Bell peppers protect your retina from damage and even reduce cataracts and blindness which are age-related eye diseases.
Bell Peppers Are Good for the Skin
The high levels of Vitamin C in bell peppers plays an important role in collagen fending off ageing and keeping your skin looking young and healthy. A half-cup of red bell pepper gives you a full day’s supply of vitamin C. The vitamin C helps heal damaged skin, reduces the chance of developing dry skin as well as wrinkled skin and prevents the skin from bruising easily.
Bell Peppers are Heart Healthy
Bell peppers contain a range of antioxidants associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease. One of the carotenoids in Bell peppers is Lycopene which helps improve cardiovascular health and prevents strokes by controlling your blood pressure and regulating cholesterol levels.
Bell Peppers Are Good for Vein Health
It’s the Vitamin C in bell peppers that helps keep the veins strong by strengthening the collagen and elastin in the vein walls allowing them to expand and contract when they are under pressure. Also the Capsaicin in bell peppers with antioxidant and anticancer properties helps to prevent varicose veins.
Bell Peppers Help Weak Bones
Bell peppers contain 6% of the recommended amount of manganese. When paired with foods containing zinc and copper like meats, nuts and shellfish it’s magnificent for bone health and can also prevent osteoporosis from anti inflammatory vitamins C and K.
Bell Peppers Help with Digestion
The high levels of dietary fiber in bell peppers help maintain gut health and can also prevent some gastrointestinal disorders. A large, whole pepper has 3.5 grams of fiber which is 14% and 9% of the daily recommended amount for women and men, respectively.
Bell Peppers Help with Weight Loss
Bell Peppers are perfect for weight loss because they have a 90% water content and are extremely low in calories. Adding bell peppers to salads or stir-fries adds fiber for faster digestion. Cholesterol reduction is another benefit of bell peppers contributing to a lean and fit figure.
Content created and supplied by: showboylamar (via Opera
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