The human body mass defers from person to person and how the body may appear mostly depends on a lot of factors which beat down to behavioral activities. Veins are are blood vessels that carry blood to other parts of the bother from the heart. It also transports medicine and other nutrients the body needs to grow and develop. The visible appearance of veins mostly on people’s arms and heads may or may not be unhealthy due to reasons such as;
1.Fitness and exercise : People who constantly hit the gym to keep fit and control their body weight or even sometimes develop muscles would have their blood circulation levels higher than that of their idle counterparts. Exercise keeps the heart healthy and enables it pump blood faster making the veins appear thick and visible full of blood.
2.Wearing tight clothing can also be another reason why your veins are thick and brightly visibly appearing on your hands and joints. Tight clothing suppress blood flow and this causes slow movement of blood making the veins swell up and appear visible.
3.Skin bleaching or deterioration can cause the skin to loose so much melanin which is the enzyme responsible for the darkening the body. The light skin results of bleaching exposes the veins which could have camouflaged under the melanin causing it to be visibly light green in color due to blood flow.
4.Alcoholism and smoking are one of the causes of clear visible veins on the body though other reasons may also be a causative factor. Alcohol and smoke causes your heart to improve blood circulation and work rate thereby putting pressure on the veins.
5.It could also be genetic, family lineages with physically fit members may all have visible veins mostly around their wrongs and necks and may not simple be the presence of any disease. Do you have any other suggestions views and comments you may wish to add to the above? Do not hesitate to drop your comments in the comment box below and please share this article to your friends and family thanks for reading.
Content created and supplied by: Aaron_Kann (via Opera
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