Mercy Aigbe is a Nollywood actress and she loves showing off her beauty on social media. She recently shared some lovely photos of herself looking pretty in her outfit and her appearance captured the attention of her fans online. Mercy Aigbe disclosed to us that she will be 45 years old in a short while and her pre birthday photoshoot is beautiful.
Mercy Aigbe has a good fashion sense and the colour combination of her outfit gave her a good combo and it also brightened up her appearance. She’s wearing a blouse and skirt and the style of her outfit is unique. Her blouse is glittering and that’s because of the stones she added to her fabric. Her skirt is sewn in a flay style and her headtie enhanced the beauty of her appearance.
Her makeup is neatly applied and her fan added more beauty to her appearance. Mercy Aigbe captioned her post saying “Forty plus five in a bit”. She of her fans appreciated her post. Check out some comments below.
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