As we all prepare to cross over to 2023 this midnight, the below are few rules I have put together which I think if one is able to abide by them he or she will be able to maximize the year (2023)

1. respect 3 people;
2. keep 3 things in you;
. Honesty
. Faith
. Good Deeds
3. Be free from 3 things;
. Arrogance
. Cheating
. Debts
4. Control 3 things;
. Tongue
. Anger
. Appetite
5. Reject 3 things;
. Bad deeds
. Backbiting
. Jealousy
6. Obtain 3 things;
. Knowledge
. Understanding
. Wisdom
7. Build on 3 things;
. Good counsel
. Good Manners
. Godliness with contentment
8. Keep 3 things pure;
. Body
. Clothes
. Thoughts
9. Remember 3 things;
. Death
. Hell
. Heaven
10. Protect 3 things;
. Family
. Future
. Friends
11. Work on 3 things;
. Vision
. Trust
. Faith
12. Run away from 3 things;
. Sin
. Pride
. Bad association
13. love 3 people;
. God
. Yourself
. Others.
Content created and supplied by: Randasty (via Opera
News )