Eye contact is one of the easiest and most powerful ways to make a person feel recognized, understood, and validated. The simple act of holding someone’s gaze — whether it’s a new girl, a prospective employer, or an old friend — has the power to ignite or deepen a relationship.
1. Quick glances
This is the most common eye contact when you like someone. Among the types of eye contact attraction, this one looks the cutest.
It’s like seeing someone you have a crush on and then you can’t help but glance at them. The fun part is when the person you like catches you glancing.
2. The second-glance
With the different levels of eye contact, this one mainly focuses on physical attraction.
If a person makes a second glance, it means that you’ve caught their attention. You may have stared at each other for a while, and then subconsciously, that person wants to look at you again
3. Staring
Of all the types of eye contact attraction, this one can be the trickiest. People stare at you because they like you, and your beauty mesmerizes them. They’re afraid to admit it or even shy and can’t muster the courage to approach you.
This type of attraction is common but isn’t troubling. Maybe, this person is trying to think of ways to know how to talk to you.
Content created and supplied by: Survival.blog (via Opera
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