A thief met his waterloo when he died from intense electric shocks following his attempt to steal from a container store during the night at Fadama in Accra.
It is not clear how the thief managed to break into the shop but the owner and residents were shocked this morning to see the body of the thief hunging at the ceiling with his legs in the store and his head and hands outside of the store.
Eye witnesses say he may have successfully broken into the store but was extremely unlucky on his way out as he got killed following his entaglement with live electric wires passed through the ceiling of the store.
The thief has not been identified neither is the shop owner but the dead body as at the the time of writing this report was still hunging at the store, an indicating law enforcement have not been informed about the incident or they probably have been informed and were yet to come and claim the body.
A video [ https://fb.watch/hw6F3vyPAB/] the incident has been posted by Okay FM on its Facebook page with scores of onlookers divided over whether to pity the unlucky thief or to rejoice over his death.
Content created and supplied by: Kumbundoo (via Opera
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