“My senior brother David Zikpi used to send me Bible from Assin Atwereboana where he was farming with his father, anytime I received the Bible, I get attacked because the gods didn’t like the Bible” most often, serious things do happen anytime I have the Bible in my custody while worshipping my idols, it was later revealed by the gods that I have a foreign material with me that fight against their activities and it was the Bible- Rt Rev Mathew Zikpi revealed on Sompa Ade Akye Abia Morning Show on Wednesday, 14 December 2022.
Nobody could have thought there will be a day a renowned fetish priest who has dedicated his life to the worshipping of idols and palm wine tapper could turn to God and be converted into a Christian.
Right Reverend Mathew Zikpi has shared his life experience with Omanhene Yaw Adu Boakye on Sompa TV, the former Alafia gods worshipper told the host, the wonderous story that changed his life for good and becoming the first Bishop for the Ho Diocese of the Methodist Church of Ghana.
According to him, his initiation into idol worshipping was as good as anything until his brother started sending him Bible from a village in the Assin Fosu District called Assin Atwereboana where the brother was farming with his father.
“My senior brother David Zikpi used to send me Bible from Assin Atwereboana where he was farming with his father, anytime I received the Bible, I get attacked because the gods didn’t like the Bible” most often, serious things do happen anytime I have the Bible in my custody while worshipping my idols, it was later revealed by the gods that I have a foreign material with me that fight against their activities and it was the Bible,” He revealed.
He continues to say after some years, he went to live with his brother and there he found a new testament Bible.
“After I became chief idol worshipper under my uncle, I went to live shortly with my brother, I saw a small Bible on his table, it was a new testament Bible, I opened it, and because I was not used to the Bible, I took interest in reading the exact page I opened which was Acts chapter 2 verses 6 to 20, but the verse 20 got my attention which reads as “the sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord,” he said.
He affirms that the Bible verse changed his thoughts and converted to Christ through his brother on 22nd January 1984, but he revealed that he went through a lot after his conversion to the Methodist Church.
He also revealed that he received a lot of threats from his uncle because he was not just an idol worshipper but also a palm wine tapper who was assisting his uncle so his conversion was not received in good faith but his brother stood strong for him and helped him baptized.
“At the age of 15 and in elementary school from 3, I can drink akpeteshie raw and become a drink addict, I sometimes compete with drunkards, and yet I won’t overdose, I’m a committed person in whatever I do so I was a committed drunkard, he shares.
Rt. Rev. Matthew Zikpi was initiated into idol worshipping by his uncle at age 15 when he was in Junior High school in 1973, at Asiana in the New Adubiase in the Ashanti Region.
However, following his decision to serve God and abandon idol worshipping, Rt. Rev. Zikpi obtained a Diploma in Ministry certificate from the Trinity Theological Seminary and a Theology Certificate with distinction from the University of Ghana, Legon.
He was then commissioned into the Ordained Ministry of the Methodist Church in 2001. Then in 2004, He was ordained as a Minister.
Source: www.sompaonline.com
Content created and supplied by: EricMurphyGh (via Opera
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