The Member of Parliament for Bosome Freho constituency Hon. Akwasi Darko Boateng has pleaded with the government to honour its promise to connect some major communities in the Bosome Freho constituency to the national grid.
According to him, the party made a promise to the chiefs and the constituents during the 2020 elections campaign to provide electricity to some major communities but that has proven futile.
He made this statement after he asked the Minister for Energy when the following communities in his constituency which include; Mensakrom, Maame Ama, Asamankrom and Yabgonu will be connected to the National grid.
Responding to the question, the Deputy Minister for Energy Hon. Owuraku Aidoo said, the four communities do not form part of the ministry’s ongoing rural electrification project. According to the minister, the communities have been noted and will be considered for connection to the national electrification grid in the subsequent phase.
Content created and supplied by: GeneralConceptMedia (via Opera
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