Beans and fried ripe plantain is the favourite food of most people especially, Ghanaians. It is the breakfast food for most Ghanaians whose job requires more energy. Beans and fried ripe plantain can sustain a man who does manual work for hours. This is the reason why most Ghanaians love this food very well.
However, according to a Twitter user who goes by the name of Smiling Sailor, beans and fried ripe plantain is considered food poisoning. He explained that no matter how sweet it is, it’s not exactly healthy food for you. Cooking Food like beans with unripe plantain has no problems. It is a perfect combo which makes digestion easy.
However, the same plantain, when it ripes becomes a fruit. So, fire turns the plantain’s sweetness, known as Fructose to acidity. Not just acidic, but it is highly acidic. When fruits are damaged by fire, they become poison to the body. Who suffers? It is the liver that suffers.
Here is the problem; beans take between 5 to 7 hours to digest properly and leave the Stomach. But ripe plantains take just 3 hours to digest properly. Take note that no fruit is digested in the stomach but In the terminal ileum. Meanwhile, beans digest in the stomach.
Ripe plantain doesn’t need a pancreatic enzyme to digest but beans do. So when they are combined, the ripe plantain tries to leave the stomach to travel to the terminal ileum where it digests but the beans won’t allow it. This struggle goes on for a long which is unknown to you.
Then, fermentation takes place which leads to excessive flatulence. Therefore combining beans and ripe plantain could be called, delicious poison. Smiling Sailor, therefore, advised that we avoid cooking, baking, frying and boiling ripe plantains. According to him, it is best eaten raw.
Content created and supplied by: AmuasiNews89 (via Opera
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