Middle-aged security guard, Hannah Francis has disclosed that her job pays her GHS500 monthly, but she spends about GHS600 at the end of the month.
Speaking on Daily Hustle with DJ Nyaami, Hannah described her job as ‘hand to mouth.’ She stated that the salary goes up to GHS550 during the holidays.
“Imagine if you’re paid GHS450 to GHS500 monthly and GHS550 on holidays. We’re not fed or given transport allowance. Yet I spend more than GHS20 daily. So I have to wash people’s clothes on weekends for extra cash,” she said.
According to Hannah, she began working as a security guard three years ago. She indicated that she has no home.
“I live at work. I’m sick and tired of being a hustler. I’m homeless now. I haven’t been able to rent a room because of the salary. I’d have to quit the job if I’m not permitted to sleep there anymore,” Hannah added.
Speaking about her dream job, the mother of one stated that “I want to learn how to drive to be a commercial driver.”
Kindly watch the full interview below;
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