Born Belinda Ekua Amoah who is popularly known as Mzbel is a Ghanaian renowned musician.
Mzbel became every household’s topic of discussion when released her number one hit song sixteen years in the year 2007.
She has since then won everyone’s heart so far as music is ever concerned.
Just recently she has flooded the internet with another hit song titled Asibolanga.
Asibolanga have gotten all over social media and it is really doing so well as a lot of people are TikToking with it.
However Mzbel have made strange revelations of her hit song Asibolanga.
I have warned my son never to sing the Asibolanga son because of the words I used in the song
My son can sing my songs anytime he feels like with the exception of Asibolanga she lamented.
So in my opinion I think the words in the Asibolanga song is so soothing and pleasant to adults and not young children.
Thanks for reading.
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