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The veteran singer cum radio personality shared a collage of photos that saw her reporting a low cut and beautiful dark shades to complement her beauty.
Despite being 42 years, the photos portrayed Mzbel as a young lady, almost like a teenager- reminiscent of her heydays when she used to give us back-to-back hit songs.
Sharing the photos, Mzbel asked her fans; “How do I look?”
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See a few of the reactions we gathered for you;
@Ebenflex I remember the first day I met you in your manager’s office before your first song was released
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@JaydenWap Herh Bra Laryea for play sankofa walahi, 16 years Mzbel still on still
@Ebene26290401 @GoddessMzbel you don’t have to ask you are still looking like 16 years Ture beauty
How old are u
@Yasman21chaliz @elonmusk I’m sure this lady is with the anti aging drugs de world keeps looking for.
SOURCE: www.Ghbase.com
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