What if you could make a lot of money by just walking around? In a world where every single thing is monetized, it’s time to make use of every opportunity to make money. There is this platform where you can make money at every step of the day. This platform is called Sweatcoin.On the app, you can connect with friends, follow users, and gain your own followers. The app’s standard version is free, but there is a premium version that costs $4.99 per month. This version allows you to earn twice as many Sweatcoins per step and unlocks premium features.
Steps for joining the platform
1. Click on this link https://sweatco.in/i/mover913971 to accept an invite to the app
2. Download the app either on the Google play store or Appstore for IOS
3. Sign up with your details to become a platform member.
4. You can also invite people to the platform for more sweatcoins
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