I’m curious about the root of my yellow teeth.
The enamel of your teeth might become discolored from consuming certain foods. Having plaque buildup on your teeth can make them look dull and yellow. When the protective enamel on the teeth wears away, the yellowish dentine beneath is exposed. Dentine is a bony tissue.
Home Solutions To Brighten Your Smile
Oil pulling.
If you want to get rid of pollutants and have better dental hygiene, try oil pulling. This method is swishing oil around in your mouth to wash away the bacteria that can develop into plaque and give your teeth a yellowish cast. Common oils include sunflower and sesame, but coconut oil has anti-inflammatory properties and can even destroy bacteria and germs thanks to its high lauric acid . Oil pulling entails taking a spoonful of coconut oil and swishing it around your mouth, letting it seep into your gums and between your teeth.
Use baking soda as a brush.
Baking soda, thanks to its natural teeth-whitening characteristics, is a common component of toothpaste. It’s a moderate abrasive, thus it can help get rid of tooth stains. It also aids in producing an alkaline oral environment, which limits the spread of microorganisms. Evidence from multiple studies shows that using toothpaste with baking soda significantly improves the whitening effects of the product compared to using toothpaste without it. Brush your teeth with a paste made from one teaspoon of baking soda and two teaspoons of water. This is something you can do a few times a week.
Hydrogen peroxide.
Hydrogen peroxide is not only an effective bleach, but it also eliminates bad breath-causing germs in the mouth. Hydrogen peroxide’s antimicrobial properties have made it a go-to for disinfecting cuts and scrapes for ages. Toothpaste using baking soda and 1 percent hydrogen peroxide has been demonstrated to significantly whiten teeth in scientific studies. Hydrogen peroxide can have harmful consequences if used incorrectly; a 1.5 or 3% solution is recommended. It can also be used as a mouthwash before you brush your teeth.
Fill up on veggies and fruit.
Both your overall health and your teeth will benefit from a diet high in fruits and vegetables. While nothing can replace regular brushing, the fiber in raw fruits and vegetables can help scrape plaque away while you chew. Despite a lack of scientific evidence, it is commonly believed that eating strawberries and pineapple can help whiten your teeth.
Avoiding discoloration of teeth.
Graying teeth are a natural part of aging, but there are ways to delay or even reverse the process. Because of the potential for tooth discoloration from Lipton tea leaf, its regular consumption should be monitored. Drinking coffee, red wine, soda, and dark fruit in excess is not recommended. All of them are widely known to discolor teeth. You shouldn’t abstain entirely, but you should consume just in moderation. Teeth-staining drinks should be avoided or at least brushed off as soon as possible after consumption. If you want to keep your teeth from turning yellow, it’s best to avoid tobacco and cigarettes.
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