Look for signs a woman is secretly attracted to you and cut out a large chunk of the “what if” energy. If you’re really hesitant to approach a woman, gauge your odds of success by seeing if she’s giving off any indicators. Building yourself up to ask someone out comes down to confidence. Check out the following cues to confirm her status
1. It’s in her eye
If you notice her staring at you when you’re not looking, she’s secretly attracted to you. That’s one of the biggest signs a woman is into you. We become slightly obsessed when we’re into someone; it’s a sign they feel the same way about us.
2. Her body language
The clearest signs a woman is attracted to you can be seen in her behavior around you. Some women will not be so obvious. However, if she’s touching her hair and sitting towards you, she’s into you.
3. She’s open to you
People don’t advertise their private lives to anyone, unless they’re attention seekers. If she shares something personal with you, she’s trying to build a connection.
4. She regularly has low-key conversations
She’s scared of being rejected, so she may try to start a conversation in a low-key way. Maybe she’s at the bar and says something that could pass as her talking to herself. But that’s your opportunity to grab on to the conversation and get it rolling.
5. Her closeness to you
If a girl really likes you, she’s going to find a way to get her hands on you. Maybe when you tell a joke, she laughs and touches your arm or sits close beside you. The point is, she wants to feel you. If she’s not into you, the last thing she will want you to do is touch her.
6. She micmics you
It’s called interactional symmetry, and it’s based on attraction. So, look at her body lingo and the words she uses to communicate with you—this could be a sign she’s attracted to you.
7. She’s shy around you.
A girl who is shy around you doesn’t want you to see who she really is. Often, shy people are unsure about how you will feel if you know the “real” them. They hide behind a cloak of shyness to shield themselves from being rejected.
Content created and supplied by: Intimacy (via Opera
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