In this article, we’ll be looking at a story of a black man who was treated badly just because of his colour. In spite of his brilliancy, he was still being isolated. Let’s dive into the contents.
This is George McLaurin, the first black man admitted to Oklahoma University in 1948, he was forced to sit in a corner away from his fellow white men just because he was black.
However, his name remains on the honor list as one of the top three students in college.
These were his words:
’’Some colleagues looked at me like I was an animal, no one spoke to me, for teachers I didn’t even exist, they rarely answered my questions. I dedicated so much to myself, that after my teammates started looking for me and teachers started taking me into consideration. I stopped being invisible to them.”
Education has more power than weapons.
Content created and supplied by: barbaraagyeman006 (via Opera
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